
50120C - "Up and Over" Confederate Climbing Split Rail Fence and Fence Section

50120C - "Up and Over" Confederate Climbing Split Rail Fence and Fence Section


Up and Over Confederate Climbing Split Rail Fence and Fence Section

During the Battle of Gettysburg 1-3 July 1863, the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia faced one unexpected obstacle. Many of the major turnpikes that converged on Gettysburg were lined with sturdy wooden fencing. Lee’s army quickly realized they faced two opponents, first the Army of the Potomac, second the turnpike fencing lining the roads leading to Gettysburg. Because large divisions and corps included field artillery, they would require large areas to maneuver, fencing had to be removed or worst case scaled over. Our figure depicts one such Confederate climbing over the turnpike fence as he would have appeared anywhere on the field during the battle of Gettysburg.

W.Britain Collectors’ Club Figure

1/30 scale
Matte Finish
Multi-Piece Set

Must be a W.Britain Collectors Club member to purchase this product.
If you choose this as your Complimentary Figure you will be charged an additional $15.00

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