24th Foot OR Standing Answering Roll Call, 1879
In the British Army, the serving soldier is ordered into formation in this particular manner when roll is called. The Colour Sergeant gives the command: Squad Atten-shun! (Attention). The soldier brings his left leg up at 90 degrees and stamps down so both his feet are in a ‘V’ shape. When answering the call, the soldier stiffens his spine, throws back his shoulders, and in a loud, clear voice sounds off thusly: Color! (Unless there is an officer present, to which he replies, “Sir!” as an officer is on parade.) This is the standard for soldiers today as it was through two world wars, the Victorian Age, and, presumably, all the way back to the New Model Army, 1645.
W.Britain Collectors’ Club Figure
1/30 scale
Matte Finish
1 Piece Set
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