
70003 - U.S. M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer Kit

70003 - U.S. M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer Kit
SKU: 70003


U.S. M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer 

The vehicle that came to be known as the M18 was the result of a convoluted development process that began in fall, 1941. At that time U.S. Army doctrine held that a force of dedicated tank destroyers would thwart enemy armored assaults. General Lesly McNair, head of Army Ground Forces, decreed that half of these antitank forces be towed weapons, contrary to the wishes of the head of the Tank Destroyer Center, Colonel A.D.Bruce, who advocated heavily armed, very fast, self-propelled tank destroyers. 
   Within these restrictions, development progressed through a series of vehicles – the 37mm Gun Motor Carriage T42; the 57mm Gun Motor Carriage T49; the 75mm Gun Motor Carriage T67; and finally in early 1943, the 76mm Gun Motor Carriage T70, which in March 1944 was standardized as the M18. Buick, the builder of the vehicles, dubbed the new tank destroyer the Hell-Cat (notice the hyphen). 
   The Hell-Cat first saw combat at Anzio, Italy, and from there use of the vehicle spread throughout the European campaign. While designed and built to be a tank destroyer, units in the field frequently pressed the vehicles into service as direct-support artillery for infantry. At their peak, in March 1945, there were 540 M18s in use in Europe. Those Hell-Cats are credited with the destruction of 526 enemy armored vehicles, at a cost of 216 of their own.

1/30 Scale Resin and Metal Kit 
Unpainted, Unassembled

   Our models come out of the box pre-cleaned and prepped. Their polyurethane resin construction means sharp, crisp detail with no flash and little pitting. The metal parts are clean and sturdy. 
   Our model kits are simple to assemble but by no means are they simple toys. They are highly detailed, historically accurate model kits – the most ardent modeler can’t deny the quality and detail found in our kits!
   At our core, we here at Campaign Miniatures are avid modelers, collectors, and above all, historians. We put a lot of research and analysis to make all of our products correct and accurate. And all Campaign Miniatures are compatible in size and scale with W.Britain figures and accessories so you can mix and match your completed kits. Keep an eye out for our ever expanding range of figures, vehicles, and accessories.



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