
31245 - Confederate 15th Alabama Flagbearer, Gettysburg, 1863

31245 - Confederate 15th Alabama Flagbearer, Gettysburg, 1863
SKU: 31245
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1/30 scale
Matte Finish

1 Piece Set

The volunteer infantry regiment that was organized by James Cantey was dubbed “Cantey’s Rifles” – when joined by ten other militia companies, 3 July, 1861, they were redesignated The 15th Alabama. The 15th fought with Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia, and, although they fought at such famous battles as Gaines’ Mill, Malvern Hill, Harpers Ferry, and Antietam, their most famous engagement was on the second day of Gettysburg. They charged the Union lines on Little Round Top, where they confronted the 20th Maine, and despite several ferocious assaults, they were ultimately unable to dislodge the Federal troops. Eventually, they were forced to retreat in the face of a desperate bayonet charge.

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