HA9650 - 1" Wide Lead Foil
SKU: HA9650

1" Wide Lead Foil

Hudson & Allen Studio’s 1" Wide LEAD FOIL with Adhesive Back is ideal for creating strapping and belting on model figures. The lead base is highly malleable for easy making of the most intricate patterns. Simply cut the lead foil to the size and shape needed, remove the paper backing protecting the adhesive and apply to the model where desired. Because lead is a soft metal if the edge of your cut line is too harsh or crisp, you can simply burnish the edge into a gentle curve with a metal tool. We prefer to use a dental tool called a Woodson #1 for this. We use Cyanoacrylate glue (super glue or CA glue) to permanently adhere the foil to the model.

Once you have finished your model it should be fully primed with a high quality model primer to seal the lead foil before painting.

THIS SHOULD ONLY BE DONE UNDER ADULT SUPERVISION. Not suitable for children under 14 years of age.

This product is lead. Lead is known to cause many health issues in adults but especially children.
Please use safety precautions when handling by washing hands and avoiding contact with mouth.
Seller assumes no responsibility in how buyer handles product.

Hudson & Allen Studio: When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Look Real!


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