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Historical Miniature Toy Soldiers American Civil War Matte 31261
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W. Britain

20 E. Water Street
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
Phone: 740-702-1803

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William Britain, W. Britain or simply Britain's, no matter what we are called our name is synonymous with toy soldiers. Since 1893 W. Britain has been producing toy soldiers and military miniatures with attention to detail, quality and authenticity. Each model figure is cast out of metal and hand painted to the highest possible standards. Our ranges include traditional toy style figures in 1/32 scale (54mm / 2.125" tall) and a large selection of realistic matte finished figures in 1/30 scale (58mm / 2.3125" tall). Most major time periods are covered from the eighteenth century up to the conflicts of the twentieth century. Whatever your interest, W. Britain has figures and accessories for your collection!

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