
10174 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Male Trooper on Horseback

10174 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Male Trooper on Horseback
SKU: 10174

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Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Male Trooper on Horseback

From its inception in 1873, the North-West Mounted Police (NWMP) relied on skilled riders to carry out police duties across the vast prairies. To break the monotony of endless riding drills, the men commonly competed amongst themselves and performed tricks on horseback. In 1876, some of these tricks and exercises were performed at Fort Macleod, AB which is believed to be the first public performance of the Musical Ride. In 1937, Assistant Commissioner S. T. Wood headed the RCMP contingent at the coronation of King George VI. He was impressed with how strongly the riders’ red tunics stood out against the black horses of the Life Guards of the Household Cavalry. When he became Commissioner in 1938, he ordered the RCMP to buy only black horses. 

1/30 Scale
 Matte Finish
 Single Figure in Box

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