
16018 - Native Warrior Fighting with War Club and Knife

16018 - Native Warrior Fighting with War Club and Knife
SKU: 16018
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Native Warrior Fighting with War Club and Knife

Ball headed clubs were carved from a single piece of hardwood with a long handle and, optimally, a natural burl at the end. A burl results from a tree undergoing some form of stress due to injury or virus resulting in a dense mass with a tight wood grain. Carved into a ball shape, this burl head was extremely strong and resistant to splitting. While the weapon would certainly deliver a devastating blow in close quarters combat, this warrior also brandishes a so-called “scalping knife.” The wooden club predates European colonization, this metal knife does not. These trade knives were certainly formidable in battle but were probably more useful in the day- to-day life of its owner.

1/30 scale
Matte Finish

Single figure in box

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