
31417 - Union NCO Flagbearer, 44th New York Infantry with National Colors

31417 31417 Union NCO Flagbearer, 44th New York Infantry with National Colors
SKU: 31417

Union NCO Flagbearer, 44th New York Infantry with National Colors

The 44th New York fought bravely at Second Battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville but never was their courage more needed than at the Battle of Gettysburg. On 2 July, as part of the Union 3rd Brigade, they held the center of the line that defended Little Round Top. Colonel Strong Vincent’s brigade was comprised of four relatively small regiments – the 16th Michigan on the right, the 44th New York and 83rd Pennsylvania in the center, and the 20th Maine on the Union Army’s extreme left flank. These men together the 2nd U.S. Sharpshooters, Hazlett’s Battery of the 5th United States Artillery, and reinforcements of the 140th New York Zouaves were able to resist repeated assaults by Law’s brigade of Hood’s division and retain the high ground.

1/30 Scale
Matte Finish
Single figure in box
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