Super Deetail Plastic. Painted with the brilliance and artistry W.Britain is known for, the United States Colored Troops plastic figures will be welcomed by collector and hobbyist alike. (And anyone who just wants to play with a good, old-fashioned toy soldier.)
Included in each box of soldiers in a sheet of additional flags, depicting both regimental and national colors. Personalize your troops with these handsome alternate flags. Detailed yet simple instructions for application of replacement flags are supplied so you may have your troops fight under the banner of the famed 54th Massachusetts or the 22nd Regiment of Colored Troops. Deploy other Union forces as the Irish Brigade, or the 20th Maine Volunteers. Outfit your Confederate forces under the Bonnie Blue flag, as the 1st Texas Brigade, or the Army of Northern Virginia – it’s up to you!
6 Foot Figures in Window Box
Not for children under 3 years.