View from the Emmitsburg Road near, the Klingle House, looking to the Southwest.
A costly mistake was made by Major General Daniel Sickles' on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg. He rashly pushed his 3rd Corps forward from Cemetery Ridge to the Emmitsburg Road creating a salient in the Union line.
Attacked from three sides the Federal troops fell back, some on a course through the Trostle Farm. There, the 9th Massachusetts Battery put up a heroic rearguard action against the 21st Mississippi. Fighting devolved into cruel hand-to-hand combat with hand spikes, rammers, pistols, and fists. To bar escape of guns and crew, the Confederate shot the horses still strapped in their harnesses.
This scenic backdrop is rendered with a view Southeast from the Emmitsburg Road near the Klingle House. Just left of center is the roofline of the Trostle barn. Cemetery Ridge can be seen in the distance.
Hudson & Allen Studio Photo Realistic backdrops are rendered on an industrial, photo giclée printer using pigment inks for deep, rich color. Each backdrop is printed on heavy matte paper stock and can be easily cut down to fit your specific needs. 31" W x 13" H