HA9714 Groundwork
Hudson & Allen Groundwork is a mixture of natural materials, which can be used to model the base of your scenic or diorama.
We have been using this material to create ground contours for almost 30 years now, and when used with other products in the H&A range, it will easily create realistic environments for your dioramas.
To use, add warm water and mix with a palette knife to form a thick paste. The more water you add, the longer it will take to dry and the more it will shrink. (Modeler’s Hint: add a little Disinfectant to the water to prevent any mold growth while drying). The mix contains adhesive and is pre-colored.
One of the chief advantages of the longer drying time is the ability to place objects into the groundwork of dried winter grasses and weeds so they appear to grow out of the ground. Grass and small twigs can be “planted” by dipping the base to by “planted” into white glue and pushing into the wet groundwork. Don’t worry about excess white glue showing, as the wet groundwork material will carry away the excess so you never have glossy globs at the base of your plantings. Small stones, H&A FOREST LITTER, or garden/lawn debris (e.g. twigs and sticks) can be sprinkled on then lightly pressed into place with a soft brush. Most, if not all, will stay in place with the adhesive in the groundwork mix. Anything loose can be fixed with liquid matte medium or with a white glue and water mix.
Although many people will advise a plaster base, we recommend the use of Styrofoam. We like the open celled type that is sold in craft stores for dried flower arrangements because it is easy to work with and you can easily push delicate objects into it. You can also use much less groundwork paste so it will go much further. We like to keep it from ¼” to ½” thick.
HINT: Add a drop or two of liquid detergent to your white glue and water mix so to make it penetrate any dry materials and to act as a wetting agent.
WARNING: Product contains fine particulates. For safety when working with this scenic material, wear surgical mask when applying. Not to be used by children. Teens may require adult supervision.