
31453 - Confederate General Lee’s Headquarters Flag, Mounted Flagbearer, No.2

31453 - Confederate General Lee’s Headquarters Flag, Mounted Flagbearer, No.2
SKU: 31453

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Confederate General Lee’s Headquarters Flag, Mounted Flagbearer, No.2

This wool and cotton banner served as the headquarters flag for General Lee from June 1862 until the summer of 1863. Its design is similar to the First National Flag, or the “Stars and Bars,” which featured red and white horizontal bars and white stars on a blue canton. The stars are arranged in the “Bread of Life” pattern. The flag’s 13 stars represent the 11 states of the Confederacy, along with Missouri and Kentucky, so called border states. The flag was believed to have been sewn by Lee’s wife, Mary Custis Lee and the couple’s daughters. Lee replaced this banner with a new headquarters flag after the Confederate government adopted the Second National Flag in May 1863.

1/30 Scale
 Matte Finish
 Single Figure in Box

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