
31286 - Union Infantry 146th NY Zouave Standing Reaching for Cartridge

31286 - Union Infantry 146th NY Zouave Standing Reaching for Cartridge
SKU: 31286

1/30 scale

Matte Finish

3 Piece Set

At its muster the regiment wore the regulation New York State uniform. When the veterans from 5th New York Volunteers, a famous zouave unit, were transferred in, 3 June 1863, the regiment switched over to their now famous colorful dress. This uniform consisted of sky blue zouave jacket with yellow trimming; large baggy sky blue pantaloons fastened below the knees; a bright red fez with yellow tassel; a long white turban wound around the hat (mainly for dress parade); a red sash about ten feet long which was wrapped about the body and afforded a great comfort and warmth; and white cloth leggings. The new uniform was not actually zouave, but rather the colorful dress of the French-Turco style.

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