
16203 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Sergeant with Halberd, 1780

16203 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Sergeant with Halberd, 1780
SKU: 16203

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British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Sergeant with Halberd, 1780

The halberd was an important weapon in middle Europe from the 14th through the 16th century enabling a foot soldier to contend with an armored man on horseback. The pike head was used to keep the horseman at a distance, and the ax blade could strike a heavy, cleaving blow to finish the opponent once unhorsed. However, by the middle of the 18th century, the halberd had become a mere symbol of rank for sergeants with no sharpened edge and insufficient strength to use as a weapon. It not only served as a symbol of rank but as an instrument for ensuring that infantrymen in ranks stood correctly aligned with each other and that their muskets were aimed at the correct level.

1/30 Scale
Matte Finish
Single Figure

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